Welcome To
Indy Rosser's
Photo Site

Firstly, the font is kinda big, but I want people to be able to easily read on a computer as I'm not so concerned about itty bitty phones!!!! If you're viewing on a phone, you might struggle with some of the larger images, anyway! This is an ongoing process and I am extremely time poor and I haven't really planned ahead to see what it might end up looking like, so it will undertake many changes, I presume.

In recent years I have collected (taken) many photographs as I go about my day to day activities as an interstate (Americans call it Over The Road) truck driver. Most have been taken with either a cruddy iPhone, or an iPad and digital photos in poor light don't always work, so some may be out of focus or otherwise ordinary. I'm not a professional photographer so you get what you see, however all images on this site were taken by myself and, as such are copyright to me!

I intend to arrange them in sections and each link, below is supposed to open the linked page (if I get the coding correct as I'm not a code writer), so when you've finished whatever it is, just click on the link towards the bottomthat says something like Start Page to return here, at least that's what I hope!

Let us get on with it!!!!

22 Truck When New

46 Truck When New

A Few Pics Of A Brizzy Trip

Some Random Sunsets

A bunch of harvest shots

Some Random Photos Taken Over The Years

Enjoy and please don't be frightened to give me some feedback.

Kindest Regards
